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Writer's pictureAmi Ray

God Sees: Peace for the Believing Wives

As I read through Hebrews 4 the other day, God highlighted verse 13 to me. God sees all that He has made.

Whether we are believers or unbelievers, God sees us.

Hebrews four starts out talking about rest and how God gives us rest. It's talking about the completion of service and when we are with Christ.

When we are with God, we are going to enter into rest.

But there are several different spiritual definitions of rest. And so it's relaxation, security, peace, and then again, that completion of service to God.

The Peace in Rest

Many wives worry and have anxiety over their husband's spiritual health.

If you are a constantly worried Christian wife, I know it's because you love your husband so much and want to see him dancing with Jesus.

We know that if our husbands aren't walking with Christ, they are in dangerous territory.

While we know this, we're limited in what we can sometimes do as wives, with our husbands, to bring them closer to God. We don't have the power to change anyone. Only Jesus can do that.

The enemy knows that we do not have this power and wants us to constantly worry about our husbands so that we take our eyes off of God.

But God tells us we can have rest from this, peace in it.

God showed me that no one, whether a believer or an unbeliever is out of his sight, in Hebrews 4:13.

He showed me this because it can bring peace to a believing wife who is spiritually disconnected from her husband.

  • You can have peace in your heart, knowing God sees you.

  • If God sees you, He hears you.

If God sees us, then there is hope. Hope lets us know that as God sees and hears us, He will respond to us. I want you to have that hope today and rest in God's word.

You can have peace right now, at this moment.

God sees behind the scenes, knows what you are going through, and hears you.

My name is Ami Ray, and I am a Faith Coach. I help Christian Wives who love Jesus but are spiritually disconnected from their husbands. I invite you to join Christian Wives With Unshakable Faith today if this is you.

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