When I started my coaching business, I did not think about husbands not wanting their children to go to church. Because I didn't have experience with that particular challenge.
I am thankful that my husband has always been OK with our kids going, whether he went or not. So, as this subject has come up during conversations I have been having, my heart is really broken over it.
I went to the source who would know best. God himself. I asked God to reveal to me how to guide these wives.
I believe the Holy Spirit answered me, and I went live over in our Facebook Community to share the answer I received. The response I received from the Holy Spirit was based on scripture.
The verses I am referring to are James 1:5-7, and it is guidance for when we are facing difficulties in our life and need wisdom. While I have not met the obstacle you are facing, I know it is very frustrating for the women I have talked to.
God Will Give Believing Wives Wisdom
There is a promise in the three verses I mentioned above, and there is a warning. Before diving into the warning, I want to share the instruction and the promise with you.
Verse five tells us to go to God for discernment. Why? Because God has a never-ending amount of wisdom for anyone who asks for it.
And, that's the promise. God WILL give you the discernment you need whenever you ask Him. This is verse six.
Do not take asking for wisdom lightly.
If we ask for wisdom, and there's any type of doubt within us, then we are making a decision to not trust God. And if we aren't going to trust God to provide us with discernment, we are guaranteeing our fate of not receiving.
So the mission for a challenge like this is clear. We are to press into God and lean on His guidance. We can do this by:
Ask God to guide you and give you wisdom on what you should do.
Believe without a doubt that you will receive the discernment.
Again, the verses this is based on are James 1:5-7.
Hi, my name is Ami Ray. I am a Faith Coach for Christian Wives who feel spiritually disconnected from their husbands and lack leadership in the home.
I help you move from feelings of sadness, frustration, confusion, and incompleteness into a space where you can:
Be at peace with your husband's current faith life.
Know how to lead in the way God has called wives to lead.
Pray more effectively and specifically
Have a higher level of hope and faith in God and your marriage.
If you are ready to connect with other wives who know what it's like to live with an unbeliever or someone who lacks faith. And, you are ready to change; I would like to invite you to Christian Wives With Unshakable Faith.